Jordan Ardoin

Full Stack Software Engineer


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • React Native
  • Node
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • OOP
  • Web Accessibility
  • AWS
  • Git/GitHub
  • Terraform
  • GitHub Actions


AWS Solutions Architect – Associate



2011 – 2015

Major: Political Science


Passionate, self-starting software engineer with a proven track record of creating meaningful software solutions in a team environment. Looking to bring my abilities to a tech company that will help take my skillset to the next level.


Software Engineer at 100devs | Los Angeles, CA

December 2021 – Present

  • Collaborated with a team of developers to build modern and responsive web applications using best practices
  • Maintained detailed documentation and versioning for applications with Git and GitHub
  • Produced semantically structured full stack web applications using the MERN stack
  • Applied agile methodologies like SCRUM for project management

Recent Projects:

Music Academy of Acadiana Invoicer (Fullstack Web App) – Contractors can automatically generate an invoice from their Google Calendar work schedule. All important invoice metrics are aggregated in one place for easy viewing and sharing with contractees

Other Projects: Cloud Resume Challenge(Serverless Cloud App)

Open Source Contributions: Greenstand – Treetracker, AltSchool Africa

Web Developer/Consultant at AJW Solutions | Lafayette, LA

August 2021 – Present

  • Created full stack web applications and static websites for different clients across small and medium size businesses. Also, consulted on SEO and social media strategy.

Clients include: Frey Law Firm, PLLC, The Rayo Brothers, LLC, ICare Pharmacy,

Session Musician at Jordan Ardoin Music | Lafayette, LA

September 2015 – Present

  • Through professional and business skillsets, enabled artists and organizations to meet objectives, produce satisfactory products, and maintain growth while providing positive customer experiences
  • Mentored people from all age groups and a variety of backgrounds, helping them develop a strong understanding of the complex, abstract ideas of music and empowering them to reach their personal goals